Although it is a good thing that dentistry offers multiple alternatives for handling various oral issues, it can get overwhelming when you have to choose just one. Ideally, you should select the dental treatment that best suits your underlying oral needs without compromising your other preferences and expectations. When treating diseased and damaged teeth, you have options, including tooth extractions, dental fillings, or root canals.
It is an endodontic procedure in dentistry that repairs and restores tooth roots and pulps to save natural teeth. Root canal therapy focuses on treating the inner layers of diseased or damaged teeth to increase their lives.
The root canal process does not usually tamper with the structural framework of your tooth. The goal is to remove the damaged tissues inside your tooth without damaging the external structure. Ideally, as long as it remains attached to the jawbone, a mature adult tooth can continue to function well without the inner tissues, including nerve endings, blood vessels, and connective tissues.
More often than not, a dentist will be the one to recommend root canal therapy for your treatment. After a comprehensive dental exam, a dentist is the best person to lay out a treatment plan most suitable for your current oral needs. Dentists at Mass Bay Dental will typically recommend RCT dental protocols for the following circumstances:
In the past, patients had to endure painful endodontic treatments to save their natural teeth. It is an invasive means of treating a tooth that may already be causing severe aches. However, modern dentistry ensures that root canal procedures are painless. Local anesthesia is a great solution for overcoming dental pain by numbing your mouth. It ensures that you will feel nothing throughout your treatment. The numbing effect may last a couple of hours after your procedure.
Aside from local anesthesia, endodontists employ sedation dentistry to better the experience for patients during their treatments. Different levels of sedation can help you remain consciously calm or asleep during your treatment. Either way, you will not have trouble with dental anxiety or phobias regarding any steps of the procedure.
After a successful treatment by your dentist, you have to prepare for dental care at home. The goal is to care for your oral health while remaining mindful of your recently treated tooth. Some of the things you should anticipate after an endodontic procedure are: